5 Best Racing Board Games
5 Best Racing Board Games
5 (100%) 6 vote[s]

Most recommended
Formula DFormula D
  • For 2-10 Players
  • 60 minute playing time
  • Ages 8+

A good choice too
Across The BoardAcross The Board Horseracing Game Top
  • For 3–7 Players
  • 60 minute playing time
  • Durable plastic

A good choice too
PitchcarEagle-Gryphon Games Pitchcar Racing Board Game
  • For 2-8 players
  • 30 minute playing time
  • Fun, dexterity game

  • For 2-6 players
  • 30-45 minute play time
  • Ages 8+

Flamme RougeFlamme Rouge
  • For 2-4 players
  • 30-40 minute play time
  • Ages 8+

Choose the Best Racing Board Game

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Racing Board Games

57 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

40.35% of users selected Formula D, 22.81% selected Across The Board, 8.77% selected Pitchcar, 10.53% selected Downforce and 17.54% selected Flamme Rouge. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

If you are a fan of racing tournaments and video games, you may also have fun while playing racing board games. There are a bunch of premium titles for solo and group gaming experience.Typically, all racing games can be divided into 2 large categories:

  • The titles where players throw dice and gather gear to equip their car park before the final race;
  • The titles where players use cards for different activities and moving on a board/map;

Also, a racing board game may become a good addition to any family gaming night. Because such titles are mostly simple to understand, they are easy to set up and good for any age. The average playing time is about 1 hour.

The guide below focuses on top 5 racing board games exploring the pros and cons of each title. The comparison table shows the key differences to consider when buying one of these games. Tips for buyers are also given in the guide below the reviews. Have fun while playing these interesting games!

Formula D– the best for large groups!

Formula DFormula D is a nice Formula One based board game where players control the racing vehicles trying to reach the finish line first. The game includes boards with the F1 tracks and the Street Track.
It is a two-half game, however, you have the chance to take on motorsport circuits, but turn over the board and you’re transported to a swift and furious universe of street circuits.

What makes this title more fun is that you don’t just get your ride, roll dice and drive the racing car along – you often have to push the car around corners and navigate your car around gear shifts just through tossing a die, based on what gear you’re actually using.

Pros Cons
Recreation of real F1 tracks as well as fictional tracks The car models are too small
Development of management skills The rules are a bit complicated for small children
Great for teenagers and adults
Many expansions are available
Formula D is fantastic, it’s a friendly game you can play with your family and friends, the package has an age rating of 8+. With many additional tracks that you can buy it is possible to improve your gaming experience. Also, it is a dice rolling game, so every gaming session is unique.

Horseracing Game Top– the best for quality!

Across The Board Horseracing Game TopOne of the distinctive features of Horseracing Game Top is the exceptional quality of all pieces. For instance, the board is made of maple veneer and all cute handcrafted horses are composed of durable plastic.
When you place the horse racetrack in your house/apartment, anyone can become a winner. In both small and big groups, this easy and thrilling game can be played.
Pros Cons
The premium quality of pieces and board Pricey
Handmade in the United States The holes for horse figures are quite tight
Can be a good gift for a board game fan
To safeguard the game for decades of fun, metal eyelets are placed into each hole of the track. For an environmentally sustainable water-based translucent acrylic, this game is done. A deck of cards, sets of dice, 11 numbered horse figures and instructions are added to the box with the game.

Pitchcar Racing Board Game– the best for competitive gameplay!

Eagle-Gryphon Games Pitchcar Racing Board GameThe PitchCar racing title is a dexterity game where big, wooden, puzzle-like elements are picked to create a racetrack which, when completed, looks very similar to a slot car track.
It’s about a flat wooden race course, a game of little wooden disks. The disks reflect racing cars, while the circuit can be mounted, with Lego-like simplicity.
Pros Cons
Very competitive gameplay Heavy and bulky
Wooden pieces Needs a lot of space to set up
Challenging gaming experience Hard to play for little children
Everyone who has spent time playing deduction titles would appreciate the bluffing element, and the part of PitchCar is all about tactics. It’s a game where it’s half fun building the track.

Downforce– the best for racing car fans!

DownforceDownforce is a high-stakes adrenaline-fueled card game focused on the popular works by the award-winning designer Wolfgang Kramer (previously designed Daytona 500 and Top Race).
To improve the replayability, Downforce features the variable player powers. But more, in order to make it beautiful and simple to enjoy, it enhances the look of the title. The colors, the arrangement of the cards, the design of the vehicles, the specifications on the board make this racing game awesome.
Pros Cons
Exciting gameplay A small racing track
Great replayability Sometimes bidding may lead to an unfair advantage
Nice design of race cars
Simple setup
Overall, this game is truly appealing to the audience, including veteran board and family gamers alike. Pick-up is simple, and the play is great fun. If you’re searching for a driving game that’s very distinct from the usual driving/racing genre than Downforce is certainly a board game to try.

Flamme Rouge– the best for family gaming nights!

Flamme RougeFlamme Rouge is a tactical, fast-paced cycling riding game with cards. The gaming session is quick enough to hold you entertained and while the contact between the players is limited, the slipstream mechanism adds more to the game.
Looking at where the other riders are and which cards they used is a perfect way to prepare the next movements.
Pros Cons
The box art is quite nice Cards are too small and similar
Good replayability The insert of the box is flimsy
Decent quality
Simple setup
Easy to learn
The quick setup and basic rules to obey help you realize the mechanics. All the riders need to function as a team together to achieve the best result on the track. And if those family members have memory difficulties, Flamme Rouge is really easy to remember and enjoy.

The Buyer’s Guide

You may use the following criteria to pick some of the best racing board games:

Player count

It’s normal to see the titles with player count suggestions like 1-4 or 2-5, but they don’t inherently mean that any of those player counts are doing equally well in the game.

At the lower end of the spectrum, most racing games with a number in the range of 2-5 participants would feel more accessible and less collaborative, while at the higher end of the scale, noisier while competitive. If you have clear expectations for more or less interactivity, it’s important to note that.


Complexity is a major aspect that may lead to enjoyment. Some players love sitting down to a 3-hour session while others tend to spend 30 minutes on a relaxed match. You ought to be sure your playtime and intensity suits what you and your mates would enjoy during a gaming night session.

Preferable mechanics

When you’re stripping down bright figures and cards, the actual gaming mechanics make any board game. There are a number of various racing game mechanics out there (although maybe not as many as you would think), like card drafting, dice rolling, the player/car selection and many more. You will use your experience of the games you have liked in the past to classify the kinds of features you want and hate whether you have played a number of games.

Many synopses or explanations seem to provide a little nod at their core mechanics, so it is one of the best ways to find out what to expect from the game before actually playing it.


Finally, the accessibility of racing board games is an essential factor, especially if you realize that there are aspects that are difficult for you or other players. The barriers to play might involve elements that are hard to describe if a player is colorblind, or impossible to pick up if a player has fine motor coordination problems.

For e.g., whether you are playing a game that has not yet been written in your first language, or you are playing with someone that does not have the same first language as the wider community, even a lot of text in a game may be an obstacle to other people.

Pictures of the racing board game and online rule guides can always be able to supply you with much of the details you need, although if you’re not very confident you should try to make it to a game cafe to try it first.

Final thoughts

Now you have the list of racing board games that can entertain your friends and family. Check the rules, age appropriateness and a number of players, according to your needs. However, do not forget that it is worth investing only in the games that you will play more than once since some of them are quite pricey.

Video Tutorial: Formula D – How to Play

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