5 Best Yard Games
5 Best Yard Games
5 (100%) 4 vote[s]

Most recommended
Ultra Star Sport DiscDiscraft 175 gram Ultra Star Sport Disc
  • 175 gram
  • The world standard
  • Foil color on the disc vary

A good choice too
Cornhole SetGoSports Solid Wood Premium Cornhole Set
  • 100% Solid Wood
  • 4 feet x 2 feet
  • 8 all weather bags

A good choice too
Jenga GIANTJenga GIANT Genuine Hardwood Game
  • Ages: 8 to Adult
  • 54 Blocks
  • 1 or More Players

Horseshoe SetChampion Sports Rubber Horseshoe Set
  • Easy Set Up
  • Rubber
  • Indoors and Outdoors

Kubb GameYard Games Kubb Game Premium Set
  • Eco-friendly Hardwood
  • Team Game
  • For All Ages

Choose the Best Yard Game

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Yard Games

3 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

33.33% of users selected Ultra Star Sport Disc, 33.33% selected Cornhole Set, 0% selected Jenga GIANT, 0% selected Horseshoe Set and 33.33% selected Kubb Game. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

My wife and I like to have good old-fashioned backyard BBQ parties. And, at some point, our friends always ask us to play fun board games. This is how I got an idea of compiling this review dedicated to the best yard games. Besides, I have many boards with games in my garage due to numerous tests and gifts that is why it was a great opportunity to make them finally useful. So, here comes the list of my recommendations for buying the best board games for backyard parties.

How do I pick the best yard games?

First and foremost, such a game should not be “capacious”, in any sense. A large heavy box with a huge amount of the pieces and rules, that are understandable only to the game’s host, is a thing you must avoid at any cost. Also, make sure you have an even and sturdy surface like a garden table to play such games. Another advice – do not pick any complicated games, like wargaming titles or D&D versions.

My ultimate advice for buying a yard game – the smaller the size of such a game, the better. You will thank me if your garden table is relatively small.

Opt for simple rules. Especially, if your friends like to drink wine and beer, you are to choose something extremely funny and simple to grasp. Gathering a circle of friends for a joint trip to the forest or park, you may encounter a divergence of interests, someone will take children with them, and someone may just be bored or scared to understand the gaming rules. Make sure the rules can be explained within 1-2 minutes.

Top 5 best yard games, according to Jenga-Game.com:

  1. Ultra Star Sport Disc weighs only 175 grams, with the foil color on the disc vary;
  2. Cornhole Set is a great building tower game that is made of 100% solid wood. You and your friends can build the tower up to 4 feet long. I like that it includes 8 different weather-resistant bags;
  3. Jenga GIANT is another classic choice for any group of friends, aged 8 years and older. The game offers 54 wooden blocks to play;
  4. Horseshoe Set is so easy to set up and start playing. Plus, all pieces are made of rubber. It is an awesome pick for outdoors and indoors family nights;
  5. Kubb Game is a fully eco-friendly hardwood game for small teams of any age;

Video Tutorial: Discraft Ultra-Star Promotion

Do you have other yard game options that were already appreciated by your friends? Please share your picks in the comments below this review. If you have any issues with using any of the recommended board games, I’ve attached the video tutorial about playing Discraft’s Ultra-Star. I’m sure you will find a ton of useful content on my website, so make sure to subscribe to receive the notifications about new reviews and updates. Thanks for picking Jenga-Game!

Feel yourself as an architect and adventurer, keeping the balance of the created masterpiece, and then as a desperate sapper, holding your breath rearrange the bar in the tower… Win, learn, meet new people in our Jenga club, and set new records with other participants!

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