Best Board Games for 5 Year Olds
Best Board Games for 5 Year Olds
4.8 (95.86%) 29 vote[s]
Sequence for Kids
Weight: 1 pounds
Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.5 x 2 in
2 to 4 players
Peaceable Kingdom Stack Up!
Weight: 1.6 pounds
Dimensions: 10.8 x 2.2 x 10.8 in
2 to 6 players
Lewo Wooden Jenga
Weight: 1.9 pounds
Dimensions: 3.1 x 3.1 x 10.8 in
2 or more players
Pressman Jumpin
Weight: 0.32 ounces
Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.5 x 3.5 in
2 to 4 players
Hoot Owl Hoot
Weight: 1.3 pounds
Dimensions: 13 x 9 x 2 in
2 to 4 players

Choose the Best Board Game for 5 Year Olds

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Board Games for 5 Year Olds

194 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

47.94% of users selected Sequence for Kids, 12.37% selected Peaceable Kingdom Stack Up!, 8.25% selected Lewo Wooden Jenga, 6.7% selected Pressman Jumpin and 24.74% selected Hoot Owl Hoot. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Without a doubt, board games are a wholesome, beneficial way to keep small children entertained. Far from the noisy, mind-numbing and outright stupifying entertainment that videogames provide, board games are educational and personality-forming.

Moreover, board games can help kids of all ages acquire a taste for activities that challenge them in a positive way. For all those reasons, it is a good idea to get your five-year-old kid a board game to have fun with. However, it is important to choose the right educational game for a child at that age.

With that in mind, this buyer’s guide will provide reviews for five of the best board games for 5-year-olds on the market. Additionally, it will provide useful information about board games for small children in general.

The Best Board Games for Five Year Olds – Five Reviews

1. Sequence for Kids by Jax – Best Adapted Classic Board Game for Kids

Sequence for Kids by Jax - Best Adapted Classic Board Game for KidsColorful, compact and streamlined, this product by Jax takes the popular game Sequence and adapts it to be enjoyed by younger audiences. By taking the most successful aspects of the game and making them child-friendly, the company has managed to create a version of Sequence that 5-year-olds can really dig into.

In terms of actual gameplay, Jax had the good sense to modify certain rules and mechanisms in order to make the game more enjoyable by small kids. Due to these modifications, the game’s main objective became more achievable. Quite simply, the first player with four chips in a row wins the game.

In terms of design, there are also a few changes. The actual board got smaller while the individual sections got bigger. Furthermore, the pieces that are used to play the game are large and do not represent a health hazard. Using fun animal illustrations and other indicators, the board eliminated the need to read anything.

Pros Cons
Features fun, educational illustrations Can be underwhelming for some children
Assists kids in developing logical skills

2. Stack Up! by Peaceable Kingdom – Best Multi-Level Board Game

Stack Up! by Peaceable Kingdom - Best Multi-Level Board GameMore often than not, the board games for kids that are easier to play provide the most fun. Without a doubt, this is the case with Stack Up! by Peaceable. Easy to play and terribly entertaining, this cooperative game helps teach balance, color matching, hand-eye coordination and teamwork.

Something that makes this product stand out is its multi-leveling. In order to allow your children to grow and evolve as they play, the game features three separate levels of challenge. Apart from helping kids improve their skills, this feature ensures that they will not get bored easily.

Because it is composed of colored shapes, Stack Up! is very visually appealing for young children. Even better, stacking up these blocks in certain orders will help them improve their motor skills. At the same time, it will help kids understand that constructing is better than destructing.

Pros Cons
Cooperative Lack of competition can make it boring after a while
Easy to play
Features three different levels of difficulty

3. Wooden Stacking Building Blocks by Lewo – Best Color-Based Game

Wooden Stacking Building Blocks by LewoIncredibly colorful, easy to play and completely safe, Wooden Stacking Building Blocks by Lewo is a great alternative for small children who enjoy creative endeavors. Comprised of a multitude of large, colorful building blocks, this product is a new take on a classic game.

The objective of this game is to build a tower with its own parts. When it’s their turn, players roll a dice and, according to the color they get, remove a piece and put it on top of the tower.

Approved by ASTM, each block that is included in this set has the right size for a kid’s hands. Additionally, each of them has a smooth surface that makes it completely safe. All in all, this a great take on a classic game.

Pros Cons
Comes in a package for easy transportation Blocks are somewhat lightweight

4. Jumpin Monkeys by Pressman – Best Action Board Game

Jumpin Monkeys by PressmanDynamic, challenging and fun, Jumpin Monkeys by Pressman is a great party game for kids. Featuring a beautiful jungle setting and allowing kids to catapult monkeys, it definitely does not lack action.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Jumpin Monkeys is an attractive game for children. Featuring cute, lovable monkeys that can be safely thrown around in a colorful setting, this fun game can quickly capture the imagination of a five-year-old child.

Because it is more action-oriented than other board games, Jumpin Monkeys can help children develop important motor skills. This is also a challenging game that can teach kids important lessons about determination and practice.

Pros Cons
Helps children develop basic motor skills Has many small parts
Helps children develop basic hand-eye coordination
Easy to play

5. Hoot Owl Hoot by Peaceable Kingdom – Best Cooperative Board Game

Hoot Owl Hoot by Peaceable KingdomUnlike most other board games, Hoot Owl Hoot by Peaceable does not pin children against each other. Instead, it allows them to work in a cooperative manner, overcoming obstacles together in order to win the game.

Through a simple and fluid gameplay, this product helps small kids learn basic strategy and social development skills. The fact that it does not require reading or writing skills make it more accessible.

Featuring a colorful board, illustrated cards and geometric chips, Hoot Owl Hoot by Peaceable Kingdom is the kind of game that kids around five years of age tend to be drawn to. All in all, this is a solid educational game for five-year-olds.

Pros Cons
Does not require reading or writing Can be difficult to learn
Cooperative game
Teaches basic strategy

Buyer’s Guide

Advantages of Board Games for Kids

  • Problem-solving skills: Often, board games feature obstacles that need to be overcome using logic. Without a doubt, this type of challenge can help kids develop important problem-solving skills.
  • Hand-eye coordination: One of the most important skills children can develop through interactive tasks such as those provided by board games is hand-eye coordination. Featuring geometric pieces and colorful settings, board games can help this happen.
  • Sportsmanship: Learning how to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat is something that will help children make the best out of future relationships. Board games can be a great way to achieve this.
  • Social skills: Because they are played with other people, board games are a great way to teach children how to behave during social situations. Furthermore, board games can provide the perfect setting for teaching children valuable lessons about cooperation, compassion, humility, determination and more.


Monopoly, Twister, Jenga – I remember all those fun nights I had with my parents and siblings while playing these all-favorite board games. However, the time flies and a new generation of 5-year-olds are not that interested in such entertainment.

To increase your child’s interest, boost creativity, mental growth and leadership qualities, parents may stick to my unbiased review of a few really awesome board gaming titles for the kids aged 5+.

Things to consider when buying a board game for 5-year-old children:

  • If the picked game is appropriate to the kid’s age. The rules must be very simple. Most U.S. manufacturers include the notice with a suggested age for this purpose. Don’t skip such notices. I’m sure that 5-year-old kids won’t like any games created for the kids aged 8 and over. But also avoid too babyish titles unless you want your child to be bored;
  • Will the game be fun for kids only or parents and older siblings as well? Some titles will be equally interesting for all family members. Aim for such games, take Twister, for instance, it is timeless and ageless;
  • Replayability is essential. Little kids tend to play the favorite toys or games multiple times, that is why it’s more preferable to buy the product that will be good for numerous gaming sessions. So, the quiz games or puzzles are better to avoid;

Jenga-Game’s top 3 of board titles for 5-year-olds:

  1. Sequence for Kids – an adapted version of the very popular title for adults. It is awesome to make any child interested, one gaming session is appropriate for 2-4 players;
  2. Lewo Wooden Jenga – a childish version of Jenga that is safe and easy to play as many times as you want;
  3. Pressman Jumpin – not that popular title, but still very entertaining. Try it and leave your feedback;

There is no doubt that age-appropriate board games can teach valuable lessons to your five-year-old child. More than that, they can help them develop important motor skills that will be invaluable later on. Even better, board games can do this while keeping your child entertained and happy. Hopefully, this short guide has provided you with useful information that will help you choose the perfect didactic game for your little one.

Surely, I am not an expert in board titles for little kids, but I have friends who are parents and they agree with me upon all included products to this review. I regularly update all my reviews, thanks to my awesome readers and friends telling me about new board hits. If you have anything to offer, feel free to do this. Thanks for reading this guide! Don’t forget to subscribe.

Board Games for 5-Year-Olds FAQ:

What are great board games for a 5-year-old?

If you start looking for board games suitable for 5-year-old kids, you will see how many options are available. The choice can be tough. To narrow down the list and choose the games that will fit your requirements, consider such factors:

  • Teamwork is an extremely important factor because 5-year-olds usually love to socialize. But if your kid is a bit shy, it is better to pick the family game with simple rules in the beginning. Then you may ask other kids to play with your child so he or she could improve the ability to work efficiently with the people of the same age;
  • The board games for 5-year-olds must be educational. Board games like Scrabble immediately come to mind because they can improve the child’s recognition of letters and spelling skills. Many child-friendly games may develop counting skills. Many titles are good for the development of strategic thinking;
  • Active games are more preferable for 5-year-old children. For instance, the Lava game can become a great option. The kids will be able to run and jump with a purpose;

The popular versions of classic games have simplified versions for little kids. For example, a classic Monopoly game has simple to understand rules. In such a way, a kid will be able to learn the rules of most board games in a simple way.

Here are 5 of simple, educational and/or active games for 5-year-olds:

  • Magnetic Game Set by Yellow Mountain Imports – the best travel-friendly option for families with little kids;
  • Monopoly Junior Cars 3 – the simplified Monopoly version;
  • The Ladybug helps to distinguish colors, numbers. It helps to develop counting and reading skills;
  • Chutes and Ladders game is good for 2-4 players. The kids can play in small groups. This title may be a great choice for the development of social skills;
  • The Floor is Lava! – is a very popular interactive board game for active little children;

What is the world’s most popular board game?

In case you are searching for the world’s most popular board game to introduce these titles to your little children, it is better to stick to the classic titles. Consider buying the simplified versions of the classic board games. They should make a family gaming night fun for everyone – parents, grandparents, older siblings and little children. Some world’s best board games for families are:

  • Chutes and Ladders (also known as Snakes and Ladders);
  • Pictionary;
  • Trivial Pursuit;
  • Clue/Cluedo;
  • Monopoly;
  • Scrabble;
  • Checkers;

What board games are fun to play when you are bored?

Some board games can be great to get smarter. Some titles will help to develop social skills, despite the age of the players. And some board games can be a perfect choice if you want to make your bored child happier. Here is the list of a few fun board games that can make all the players laugh more than once:

  • Richard Scarry’s Busytown, Eye Found – cooperative and interesting to play;
  • The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game is a funny tactile board game;
  • Pete The Cat’s Cupcake Party is a simple but entertaining charade game;
  • Hoot Owl Hoot is great for teamwork and fun activities;
  • Colorama is a vibrant and colorful title for kids;
  • Twister for kids;

The most important recommendation is to pick the game with simple rules. Each gaming session should not last more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, the attention of your kid may quickly fade away.

My child can’t sit still very long, can he or she play any board games?

The category of active board games has been already described. If your kid can sit even for 10 minutes, then find the game title where gaming sessions last for 5 minutes or less. Such games should deliver active fun and avoid any serious mental challenges. For instance, you may try such active board games for preschoolers (from 3 to 5 years old):

  • Wonder Forge’s Cat in the Hat;
  • Peaceable Kingdom’s Monkey Around;
  • Peaceable Kingdom’s Feed the Woozle;
  • Cranium’s Hullabaloo;
  • Wonder Forge’s Busy, Busy Airport;
  • The Floor is Lava;
  • Twister;

How to keep a 5-year-old kid from losing the gaming pieces?

Buy the board game with a carrying case or box where you and your kid can place all the pieces immediately after playing. Turn this process into the final part of the game. In such a way, you can help your kid to become more disciplined.

Can I simplify or alter the rules to help my child understand the board game?

Many parents ask psychologists about the simplification of classic board games. Their desire to make the popular games simpler for little kids is understandable.

One of the goals of board games for little kids is to create exercises and challenges in the game’s unique context. The rules help to understand and overcome the challenges of a different kind. By making the rules simpler, you may make the game’s goal disappear and the child will just waste time when playing this version of a board game. Besides, overcoming the challenges rewards the child with a satisfying sense of victory.

But the child’s desire to achieve a victory sometimes leads to the desire to stop playing by the rules. So even if the kid asks to simplify the rules of the board game that was initially recommended for 5-year-olds, you should resist and gently insist to play by the rules. Instead of changing the rules, it is better to explain them once again.

There are 4 reasons why a 5-year-old kid should follow the rules of board games:

  • Following the rules gives a child certainty and stability for kids;
  • Thanks to the limits set by the rules, five-year-olds can explore, acknowledge and enforce when playing board games;
  • Overcoming the challenges created by the game’s designers (who definitely consulted child psychology experts);
  • Learning to lose and to value the sense of fair victory;

Another good recommendation: be patient and follow the rules to set the example for your kid.

Feel yourself as an architect and adventurer, keeping the balance of the created masterpiece, and then as a desperate sapper, holding your breath rearrange the bar in the tower… Win, learn, meet new people in our Jenga club, and set new records with other participants!

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  1. My little one is going into kindergarten this year, so I’ve been looking for board games for 5 year olds. I’m going to check out Sequence because he loves numbers and counting!

  2. It’s difficult to find good board games for 5 year olds. Many are too challenging or do not offer enough variety for children to want to play again and again. Thank you for the list!

    1. So true, most board games are too complex for most 5-year-olds to comprehend; however, I think you did a great job at listing games that 5-year-olds will actually engage with and have a good time with. I can’t wait to share some of these with my young ones.

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