Rhino Hero Super Battle Review
Rhino Hero Super Battle Review
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Rhino Hero Super Battle by HABA is a game where you’re each superheroes trying to climb your way to the top of the tower.

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Whoever is at the top at the end will win, and well, the end happens when you knock the tower down, because frankly, superheroes, they smash stuff. It happens.

Rhino Hero Super Battle Rules

To set up the game, start by taking three tiles and place them so that they’re yellow dot side up in a row. If you want to make it harder, you can turn some of them over so that the red dots are showing. It means you’ve got fewer dots there, so you’re going to have fewer bases in your tower. Next, each player is going to pick a hero to be and take the wooden hero token for that.

Rhino Hero Super Battle Rules

You’ll then need to fold all the walls so that they’re at right angles. You’ll have a stack of short walls and a stack of tall walls. Then, take the floor tiles and shuffle these all up. Deal three to each player, and then set out a market of three tiles, which is face up. Finally, you’re going to need the superhero medal near the board, along with the four spider monkey tokens and the three dice. Decide who your first player is, and you’re ready to begin. The game aims to be at the top of the tower when the tower falls, and not be the person who knocks it over so that you have this token. If you have the metal token and you knock the tower over, then every other player wins.

Rhino Hero Super Battle Photo

So, how do you take a turn in this? Well, when you start, you have your three-floor tiles. You’ll pick one of these to play. Now, there are a few features to be aware of with these. You will have potentially, in the middle, a spider monkey icon. This will mean that you’ll need to place out a spider monkey token during your turn. You’ll also have walls. Now, the yellow-bordered ones are your tall walls, and then your green-bordered ones are your short walls. You’ll either have two or one walls. They might be the same size, or they might be different sizes.

Once you’ve picked which floor you’re going to play, you’ll then take the walls that match it. This one, we’ve got one tall one, and when there’s nothing else there, your only option is to place it so that the point is in one of the circles. It can be anywhere in the circle. It is up to you. Then you place, balance gently, so it doesn’t fall, your floor on top of that wall. If it has a spider icon, you then have to put a spider monkey token hooked on there. Then, you would roll the dice to see if you get to go up a floor.

Rhino Hero Super Battle Game Photo

The way floors are determined in this is it’s looking at each level, so at the moment, you only have one level. If you had a short wall, with a floor on it, this would be level one, and then this would be level two, although they’re only one floor up, and they’re in separate stacks, because looking sideways, if you flattened the image, that’s how the floors lie.

A battle occurs if you have two heroes on the same floor. It doesn’t matter where they are, just if they’re on the same floor. If you have floor one has multiple kinds of sections, if you will, one over here, one over there, but there are heroes on floor one, you then have a battle. The way a battle is resolved, whoever just moved onto the floor will roll the red dice. Whoever was already there will roll the blue dice, as the defender. Whoever gets the highest result wins the battle. It’s that simple.

Rhino Hero Photo

If you win the battle, you get to stay on that floor. If you lose, you go down. It is possible that if you move down, you’re then going to have another battle, where this time, whoever moved down is the attacker, and you’ll resolve all of the battles until everyone is on their own on a floor. At this point, you determine who gets the superhero medal, and that’s whoever is on the highest floor. At this point, if anyone but them knocks the tower over, the person with the medal is going to win. If the person with the medal knocks the tower over, every other player wins.

With that done, there’s one final thing for them to do on their turn, and that’s to replenish their hand of floor tiles. They have a choice. They can take one of the three face-up tiles, or they can draw blind off the top of the deck. Once they’ve done this, play then passes to the next player, and you keep doing this until the tower falls. At that point, you determine who your winner is based on who has the medal and who made the tower fall, and then it’s the end of the game. The game can also end if everyone is out of floor tiles. At this point, whoever has the superhero medal is the winner.

That is how you play Rhino Hero Super Battle by HABA.

Feel yourself as an architect and adventurer, keeping the balance of the created masterpiece, and then as a desperate sapper, holding your breath rearrange the bar in the tower… Win, learn, meet new people in our Jenga club, and set new records with other participants!

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One Comment

  1. Cool concept. It sounds pretty unique! I think my sons would love playing Rhino Hero Super Battle. I may need to add it to our game collection.

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