Animal Upon Animal Review
Animal Upon Animal Review
4.7 (93.33%) 9 vote[s]
Animal Upon Animal is a fun two to four-player dexterity kid’s game. There are a lot of animals.

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So, in this game, there are heaps of wooden animals, and there’s a big wooden crocodile, and you put that in the middle of the table, and it’s the starting piece. And there are heaps of other animals like sheep and penguins, snake, porcupine, and there’s also a die that you roll on every turn.

Animal Upon Animal Rules

At the start of the game, each player will take seven wooden animals, and the game aims to stack all of your animals on the crocodile. To do that you have to roll the die on every turn. So, if you roll a one, you have to put one animal on the crocodile. If you roll a two, you have to put two animals on the crocodile being very careful that you don’t knock any of them off.

Animal Upon Animal Review

If you roll a question mark, the player next to you has to choose which animal you have to put up. When you roll a crocodile die, you have to put one of your animals next to the crocodile’s tail, or next to his head.

How To Win At Animal Stacking Game

If you roll a hand, you have to give one of your pieces to the next player, and he has to put it on. So, to win the game, you have to try and stack all of your pieces onto the crocodile, but if any fall off, you have to take at least two of them back to your animals, and that makes the game a little bit harder to win.

Animal Upon Animal Image


In summary, at the start, each player takes seven animals. Players then take turns rolling the die and adding animals onto the crocodile. If any animals fall off, the player must take up to two of them back. The first player to place all of his animals is the winner.

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  1. What a cute idea for a game! I think my son would really enjoy Animal Upon Animal. He already loves stacking his blocks and other toys.

  2. Thanks for the review, was debating whether to get this for a 4 year old, and it looks like it should be a good fit.

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